Sunday, February 4, 2024

# 13B Feb 3, 2024. Home visits team B

Our home visit team split into two groups. This team was Charlotte, Winnie, Betty Jane, and two Chalice workers James and Newman.

The people of the village have a shared well. It is deep hole in the ground which allows a 5 gallon bucket to slide down the pipe. The bucket it attached to a long strap and is lowered down to the water level.  When the team arrived at Elias' house the mother was pounding cassava root. Before this it was soaked to remove the poison that occurs naturally in it. After drying, it is pounded in to a flour and sieved. 

The house has a thatched roof and is made with red mud bricks. The house we visited was very nice and was painted with a clay wash to create different shades of brown. It had two bedrooms and a living area. The cooking is done outside, usually in a cook house with a charcoal brazier. The homes are surrounded by their gardens, no space wasted. A testament to their good food is the healthy looking babies and children we see in the community.

Home of Elias

Elias and grandmother Cecelia. His mother died so he 
lives with his grandmother. He is in secondary school. 
and is15 and quite shy.

Found Eugene a Chalice sponsored child at soccer field with his 

brother and  mother.


Margaret, foot ball player, they met her at foot ball field. She is  

strong, articulate and confident and is school security guard on weekend. 

She wanted a hug. Her sponsor is Jim.

This is the house where cooking and food preparation is done

Young entrepreneur

Community well

Neighbourhood children

Pounding cassava root

Sieve for sifting the pounded cassava root flour.


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