Friday, February 23, 2024

#32 February 22, 2024. In Kawambwa

This morning Winnie was making soup and omelettes with her Home Economics class, Charlotte was teaching Jr High English and Betty Jane was working on tuning instruments and making music. Colleen worked on the use of math manipulatives using bottle caps and the new ten-frames made by the carpenters. (See photos).  John and John worked with the plumber and electricians to finish up reconnecting the electricity and making sure every building gets running water. 

At 4:00 the whole school attended a thanksgiving mass for their return to school. Their choir was so animated, motivated by their happiness to be back in school. They realize the importance of an education as the key to success. 

While mapping out the school yard we walked the perimeter of the wall fence. This fence in Kawambwa was not totally built by Chalice and Inverness County Cares two years ago, but we increased the height by three cement blocks which made it about 8-9 feet tall. The perimeter is approximately 890 meters, just short of a km. The school has large gardens inside the walls as well as an orchard and football/soccer field. 

As our stay comes to an end, we are able to reflect on our time here and feel very good knowing we have made an impact. This was made possible by our supporters from Canada. Thank you so much. 

Ten frames/Braille leaning boards, made by 
carpenter John and helper

Takes a lot of muscle power to install
new cables and piles.

The Kawambwa school grounds a
large football/soccer field.

Note the three block extension to the wall fence
around the Kawambwa School.

Cooking maize for the students' lunch.

Steaming the maize.

View of part of the wall perimeter.

Note the tiny indentations in the paper under the Braille slate. 

Student using stylus to make indentations
 in the Braille paper.

Winnie's class

We encountered expert checker
players in the market.

Our gift chicken is still doing well in the coop.

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