Thursday, February 1, 2024

#11 February 1, 2023. parliamentary procedure

This morning at 9:00 we gathered with all the teachers to give a demonstration of a meeting following parliamentary procedure.  This lasted about an hour and staff were very interested in this method, which is intended to keep a meeting on track and to finish in an hour. John Gillies our meeting expert led and we all participated.

From there we went on to our usual assignments. We are getting better at navigating the school complex. Betty Jane was introducing a group of totally blind students/teachers to the fiddle. It was with awe and joy that they were touching the instruments and beginning to make music. John and John continued chipping out cement like putty, removing broken panes (all 139) and replacing with new panes. They hope to do them all before we leave.  We could smell the activities as we approached Winnie’s Home Economics class. There were demonstrations of different ways to prepare eggs on a brazier stove, (open coals). Charlotte was back at her tutoring and Colleen continued literacy and classroom management with her teachers. By lunch time the rain was torrential. Colleen and Charlotte walked back with Esanet (blind student teacher) all dressed in plastic raincoats. 

The path and roadways were partially submerged in water but in 1 ½ hours they were passable. The soil is very red and sandy and drains easily.

We have encountered a palm nut called polony and, in the courtyard, we see enterprising children gathering them and breaking them open. Almost every spare piece of ground is planted with crops, maize, beans, squash/pumpkin and peanuts. 

The blind and partially sighted teachers were explaining to us that their eyes not only are blind but for some, there often is pain. Bright colours such as a neon shirt are painful to look at up-close, but good to identify at a distance.

The sisters of the Child Jesus are taking very good care of us. The food is excellent and the company stimulating. 

Pano shot of school grounds
Winnie's Home Economics class
cooking on a brazier.

Supper last night- Clockwise- nishima, fish,
Chanterelle mushrooms,
Winnie's mustard pickles
Supper last night- Clockwise- Meat pies, 
cassava leaves, Temph soy product, Rice.
Excellent food.

St Marjory is a great cook. Introduced to
deep fried bread or 'quackers' (our spelling).

Joseph who operates the Thermaform machine
which produces braille books, papers.

John Gillies conduction a parliamentary meeting demonstration 

Colleen's five teacher students. 

John and helpers still chipping away at the old putty

Dear Esnet ready venture in the rain with raincoat.

Poloney/chikanda nut (palm nut) gatherers. 

Cracking the nuts

Poloney/chikanda nuts

Betty Jane introducing the fiddle to a blind student, Esnet
while a partially sighted girl, Susan looks on.

An assignment written in braile.



  1. I wish to congratulate you brave folks of Inverness county for the great and heroic work you are doing for the dear people in Zambia.
    I only wish i were there with you doing what is so close to my own heart.
    special regards to dear friends Colleen and John Gillis...maybe i know the rest of you or taught your family in Judique many moons
    ago...sending love and prayers from Miramichi, NB
    Fran Connell formerly Sister Connell Port Hood NS

  2. This is so wonderful.... the school looks very neat and beautiful.... God bless your helping hand

  3. Continuing to follow your journey and the many ways that you are touching the lives of these beautiful people. Beyond your words it is also so wonderful to see the pictures that have their own story of joy. As the saying goes. . . Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. May God continue to bless each and every one of you as you continue on. Love, Tom & Deb Graham Judique NS


Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

Ken Bacon picks the wining ticket Winnie holds Eva MacInnis' winning ticket. Eva is from Port Hood.   Winnie Rankin presenting the quilt...