Sunday, February 11, 2024

# 21 February 11, 2024. Sunday in Mporokoso

Last night we arrived back to a hotel room in darkness, with puddles of water near the open windows, from the wind and rain storm. We were happy for the flashlights we brought and our phone lights. When the lights came back on, they showed all the mud we had tracked in unknowingly. 

This morning we woke to a dry floor and electricity. We were picked up for mass at 7:00 where we were introduced to the congregation. After mass was over at 9:00, we met Bishop Arron Andrew Chisha a 91-year-old retired bishop, living in the parish glebe. A kind gentleman who was proud to recount the times he had met three popes in Rome and in Zambia. 

We had a hearty breakfast with the sisters and Chalice workers and took a trip with the sisters and Goodson to the market, to explore and look for instant coffee. We saw many vendors selling, fruit, vegetable, clothing and fish but no coffee. We did purchase pineapples which are so delicious. We picked up some sweet potatoes, the flesh is white, not orange as what we call sweet potatoes. Cooked by the sisters they are delicious.

On the same excursion we visited the Mporokoso Hospital. Our guides were two interns Dr MacLeod, (imagine that) and his friend. They gave us a tour of the hospital, we saw the emergency department, obstetrics, maternity and other general wards. The newborn babies were beautiful and Betty Jane was happy to meet with three midwives. Zambia has universal health care and the people are fortunate to receive health care regardless of their financial status. 

Last night and during the day today the children have started to arrive. We will be excited tomorrow to meet them when they begin class. 

Zambia is a country of truly wonderful people. They are hospitable and kind and we feel safe and comfortable here. There is a general feeling of welcome wherever we go. 

John MI, Winnie and John G chatting with
Bishop Aaron after mass.

Colleen Macleod and Dr 
MacLeod Kalalia. 
John MacInnis and friend

John G speaking to a patient with a fracture
and his leg is in traction with a pin through his knee.

Proud mom and 2 week old baby.

Betty Jane with the three midwives.

The Mporokoso Hospital
The market we went to this morning

Sr Matilda is a great guide.

Tiny dried fish

Delicious avocados 

The large Market, less busy today since many people are in church

Every space filled with sellers

Buying sweet potatoes from lady on the left.

Many vendors

These handsome fellows will
probably be on the table soon.

This lady was so elegant, with her dress swaying
as she walked, I asked to take her picture.

The children are arriving at St Odilia. These cuties were
harvesting palm nuts which fell from the tree above.

 John and Betty Jane at the Kapumo Falls.



  1. Absolutely beautiful pictures- it makes us feel like we are right there alongside you. You are meeting so many good people (some with great names too). God Bless you all as you continue to move along. We hold you all in prayer daily, and wish you the very best. Tom & Deb Graham

  2. I am catching up on all your experiences. The last couple of evenings,- tomorrow I will be at #21 The vibrant colors and the friendly faces of these beautiful people St Mary's church is quite big. I bet they get a full attendance for services. Nice that the CWL is active there and I bet the singing is beautiful to hear God bless you all Marion B


Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

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