Saturday, February 24, 2024

#34 February 24, 2024. Party

This morning we had some time off, so we walked about the school grounds to see some of the children. John and John went to a sports day at St Mary’s School, a short bike ride away. Betty Jane went to town to have a go at the ATM but it was not cooperative. Colleen concentrated on making the Blog a lot more reader friendly. Charlotte and Winnie caught up on some of their chores. 

In the afternoon we walked to the Recreation Hall where there was a farewell send off for us by the children and staff. The hall was decorated in the colours of the Zambian Flag and the Canadian Flag. The children looked so awesome in their hats, sunglasses and T Shirts. There was a lot of singing and dancing, both traditional and modern. We shared our love for Scottish fiddle music (hooked up to the sound system) and did a few steps to illustrate our traditional dances. We played musical chairs, and John Gillies almost won! A beautiful cake was served and was enjoyed by children, staff and guests.

We were all presented traditional Zambian clothing, some dresses, some tops and some shirts. They were made by the sewing classes run by Sisters Bibian. Very professional work and we all love them. 

Their gratitude for all the plumbing and electrical repairs, glass replacement and educational and music training was most evident. 

Zambia is a country of truly wonderful people. We feel safe here and the warmth of the residents is evident every day.  The trades people working at the school are excellent to work with and the children are so polite and welcoming. The sisters are a fun-loving group who have made our stay so enjoyable. 

John and John going for a bike rode. Sr Marjory in centre.

Red and white for Canada

Very talented dancers

These students had so much energy.

Hula hoop spinning

This group was super cool.

John, Betty Jane, Winnie, Charlotte, John MI and Parish priest.

John almost won the musical chairs.

The students are amazing dancers.

We were presented with lovely gifts,

Our cake in the fore ground and
wearing our tradition style Zambian outfits.

Blessing reading her speech in Braille

Staff and Inverness County Cares members.

A view of the girls' dining hall.

Map of the Kawambwa site.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a beautiful sendoff! Tom & Deb


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