Saturday, February 10, 2024

# 20 February 10, 2024. Introduction to St Odilia, Mporokoso

After a long ride yesterday on the Chalice bus, which Inverness County Cares partially funded, we had a good night’s sleep. The hotel we stay in is clean and the beds comfortable. We woke early for the 7:00 mass at the convent.  Fr James and Fr Jackson were the celebrants. Breakfast was served at the convent in the company of the sisters Matilda, Agnes and Marjory and Chalice staffers, Gilbert, Geoffrey and Goodson.

We then had a tour of the whole campus where Sr Marjory pointed out all the changes which have been made by Inverness County Cares (ICC). The two main projects which stood out are the new two classroom building which is still under construction. The other is the wall fence, it has an impressive perimeter of one kilometer. It has a foundation of .6 meters (3 blocks) and above ground there is 2.63 meters. It certainly does increase security. There is a large gate with a guard to monitor the traffic in and out.

During our walk about, we met up with three girls, all with albinism. The two girls with blonde hair are sisters, Sharon 13 and Mercy 15 and the dark-haired girl is a friend Sara.  Winnie and her sister Elaine sponsor Mercy and their sister Brenda Lewis sponsors Sharon. Charlotte, a fourth Rankin sister will meet her sponsored child later this week. 

On our walk through the yard, we came across the chicken house. They have a large healthy flock of mainly black hens with a few reds and some whites. 

Walking through the dormitory rooms we see more evidence of ICC. The walls are painted or being painted soon, the floors are tiled and more are in the process of being tiled. The dining hall also has new tiles. 

The convent is built around in indoor courtyard with walkways covered by a veranda roof. It rained and became windy after we returned to convent and we saw how the rain is saved into huge barrels or channelled to gardens. In fact, this morning the winds were so strong they ripped off four metal sheets from the priests’ residence nearby.

Sr Marjory, Sr Agnes and Geoffrey our driver set off after lunch for the trip back to Kawambwa. It will take all day to reach Kawambwa with all the detours and stops they need to make.


Walking through the Maize with Sr Matilda

Sr Marjory standing by her birth place. 

St Odilia Convent kitchen

Buckets of mangoes

Betty Jane and Sr Martha 

Betty Jane, huge avocado and Charlotte.

Geoffrey adding avocado to his
 toast as Winnie looks on.

Walking the wall.

Wall fence sign

Bed frames on tiled floor.

Each bed frame fits into a nook

Winnie with Mercy, child she and Elaine's sponsored
Sara is in the middle and Sharon
who is sponsored by Brenda Rankin Lewis next to Charlotte.
Charlotte will meet her sponsored child later this week.

Mercy, Sara and Sharon

Dining hall kitchen

Dining hall with tiled floor from ICC

Workers preparing to tile floor
and paint walls in girl's dorm

An elementary class

New building interior under construction

New block of two classrooms built by ICC


Sr Marjory with the convent flock of hens

TV supplied by ICC by ICC with Gilbert and Goodson

Torrential rain today. It ripped 4 sheets 
of metal off roof of the priests' residence
 and broke windows at our hotel

This caught our fancy.

Lunch  with Goodson, Sr Agnes, Gilbert, Charlotte,
Winnie, Geoffrey, Betty Jane, John G and Sr Marjory

Our journey yesterday

1 comment:

  1. Inverness County Cares has done so much! This is so wonderful to see! Blessings to you all as you continue on. Tommy and I continue to read your wonderful blog, and we are so touched by all the work you folks are doing. Tom & Deb Graham Judique


Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

Ken Bacon picks the wining ticket Winnie holds Eva MacInnis' winning ticket. Eva is from Port Hood.   Winnie Rankin presenting the quilt...