Tuesday, February 20, 2024

#29. February 20, 2024. Farewell to Mporokoso

Today, Monday was our last day in Mporokoso at St Odilia’s Special School. We went to our usual assignments and bid farewell to our cooperating teachers and dear students. The children are beautiful and it would be nice to get to know them better. Then there were the ones waiting for sponsors or whatever the future has in store for them. We will never forget them! They are the ones who we became especially attached to and concerned for their future. However, we leave them in the capable hands of the good sisters who are kind and have the best for all as their first concern. We are so grateful for the support given by Chalice to these children for whom sponsorship gives them a very real chance of breaking free of poverty through education.

We met with Mr. Andrew the head teacher and did a review of what Inverness County Cares (ICC) has accomplished at the school. He is so pleased and grateful for the many enhancements to the school environment created since we arrived. 

Yesterday we ran water to the Home Economics room to the kitchen garden. He sent his sincere thanks to ICC supporters   in Canada for the provisions and support provided by their contributions over the years. It would never be possible with our grassroots supporters.

After lunch we went to a Thank You mass, with all the students in attendance. We were thanked many times over by the students, staff and clergy. It was a rewarding feeling that we and our generous backers were able to make the living conditions at the school much more comfortable.  

We had another wonderful supper with all the sisters, Agnes, Ruth, Mathilda, Martha, Barbara, Auxilia and Chalice worker/teacher Goodson and our driver Louis. After the meal they surprised us with a special thank you presentation of singing, dancing and a gift. We were all presented with handcrafted genuine Zambian shirts/tops. A lovely surprise we will always treasure. 

We can truly say we enjoyed our time at St Odilia. Zambian people are warm, welcoming and lovely friendly people. 

Carrying loads on heads is a common practice. 

Charlotte in class

John and John working on the needs list

Plumbers at work. 

Children looking smart in new uniforms. 

Selling bananas

Impromptu band. 

Chart made for blind students to illustrate a biological concept.
They used millet seeds, beans and string. 

Sr Ruth making her famous fritters/doughnuts. 

Wash day. 

Meeting with Head teacher Andrew. 

Braille frame. A guide to write in Braille. Paper is placed
 inside the frame and serves as a guide to make the imprints. 

Farewell mass with students. 

Farewell mass with students 

Thank you from Gift

Thank you from Cynthia staff member. 

Honorary Chestico people. 

Cynthia's message

Gift's message page 1

Gift's message page 2

Our shirt and hat gifts from Sisters. 

Farewell dinner

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop.
    The blog is so well written and the great photos make us feel we are there with you l The time is passing quickly and we are so happy that everyone seems safe and healthy. Take care.


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