Friday, February 23, 2024

#33. February 23, 2024. Hats, Sunglasses and Shirts.

This morning school as we walked the school grounds on our way to our respective assignments we could see the happiness of the children, to be back in an environment where they feel comfortable and, in a place where they know they have a future.

John and John were still making sure the plumbers and electrician had all the fittings and parts they needed to finish their jobs. Winnie was in her Home Economics class cooking up more delicious recipes. Charlotte had a special morning for today she was able to meet with Charity the child she sponsors. John Gillies met with Roydah Kasuba the girl sponsored by his sister Claire. He also met with (name will be added soon) who is sponsored by Ted and Hermina Van Zutphen. The children are so very grateful, for their sponsors are the people who ensure they can reach achieve their goals. 

The school budget for books is very sparse, so teachers and students are encouraged to make books which they can read in class. Colleen read some stories to Pre-Primary and Primary classes and encouraged the teachers to read to students every day. Later in the morning teachers from Pre-Primary to Grade Four met for a book making workshop. Keeping in mind the non-sighted students we used sandpaper to illustrate the number book the teachers made. Everyone had fun with this active learning experience.

The afternoon was an exciting time for all. John Gillies gave a brief reminder of the importance of wearing protection against the sun and the dangers of the sun. Then the hats, sunglasses and T Shirts were distributed to all students after this and we saw lots of smiling, very cool looking students. 

Thank you to those who donated these items. They were appreciated so much by all.  

The whole gang

Belinda reading to her class

Evans reading to his Grade One class

Charlotte with her sponsored
child Charity and Sr Agnes.

SrAgnes, Roydah and John Gillies

The children all look after each other, very kind.

Good food in Winnie's class.

Squash leaves are a very popular types of cooked greens.

Outside/inside cooker, fed logs
 to heat pots on the inside.

Laying pipe to supply water to all buildings.

Making a number book with teachers. So much fun.

John Gillies talking about the dangers of the sun.



Getting fitted

Looking great!

Sunglasses and hats can transform a look. 

Very pleased young men

The balls are VERY popular.


Such wonderful children

Sporting the new look

The Zutphen look

Can you spot a hat you know?

The hats are so important to protect against the sun.

Chestico Kids

Chestico girls

Sr Marjory in back next to John G is happy.

Vincent is totally blind but is able to teach Grade 2.

Balls are so appreciated.

Colleen with dear Blessings who is totally blind
 but so brave and capable.

1 comment:

  1. Following your journey Every posting is so informative and touching and rewarding in many ways You are all going to be missed by all those beautiful people when you leave. You are doing what God asked - using your gifts of faith, hope, charity, patience, humility, perseverance and obedience. Your posts bring one closer to our own sponsored child in Haiti through Chalice


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