Tuesday, January 30, 2024

# 9 January 30, 2024. Hard at work in class, in yard and in kitchen.

This morning we all began our assigned duties. John and John measured the window pane frames and went to bargain for new glass panes to repair the broken panes. Winnie worked with the home Economics teacher concerning food preparation and Charlotte tutored some individual students. Betty Jane took stock of the newly purchased musical instruments and worked with the music teachers and fiddle tunes were soon wafting through the balmy Zambian air. Colleen did literacy workshops with a group of teachers and began gathering stories for our monthly newspaper articles in the Oran and Reporter. After lunch we met with the parents of the Chalice sponsored children. We got to see first-hand the need there is in this area and the genuine gratitude for the help provided by the Chalice sponsors. About 90% of St Mary’s students live in in the circular or rectangular shaped houses with thatched roofs we passed as we drove to Kawambwa by bus. 

We explained to the parents of how our generous supporters are the ones who are providing the funds to support the schools and showed them pictures of our beverage recycling trailer. Thank you all for your support for it is our best fundraiser.   

For supper Winnie and her two sous-chefs Sr Marjory and Charlotte Rankin prepared a wonderful meal. Winnie improvised her recipes for who would have known that butter, milk and cheese are not part of a regular menu in Zambia. To add to her concerns the power went off in the afternoon for at least an hour. But the girls persisted and the power did come back on in time to cook mouth-watering chicken pot pies and mango apple crisp. They were both very delicious.

The sisters' convent.

The parents of Chalice sponsored children
meet every month to manage their budgets.

These boys were selling brooms which are made here
 by the students using grasses which grow in the yard.
See below.

Home made whisk brooms

Winnie making pie dough and chatting with Sr Marjory

John hanging out with kitchen staff

100 Zambian Kwatcha

Our weather this week. 

Meeting old friends. John MI, Gift, Betty Jane and Moby

Checking out the fresh out of the oven chicken pie

Joyce writing her life story for future newspaper article.

About 90% of the Chalice sponsored students
at St Mary's Special School 
 live in this type of home. 

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Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

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