Wednesday, February 7, 2024

# 16 February 6, 2024. Trip to the Falls

This morning we loaded up two Toyota Helux (similar to Toyota Tacoma) trucks and set out from Kawambwa for the Kebwelume Falls and Lumangwe Falls. The whole 75 km route, was a very challenging way of no signage, rutted red dirt roads. There were 13 of us. Sister Marjory and Sister Charity (from orphanage), Geoffrey and Brother Peter were our drivers and the Chalice staff, Newman, James and Joseph plus the six of us. Chalice staff had the fun ride in the back of one of the trucks on mattresses. 

The countryside we passed through was true country. There were quite a few thatched roof houses but no real shops except for a few market stalls and many people of all ages walking on the road, along with goats and chickens.

The first falls we visited was the Kebwelume, which is a high, large wide falls. “Kabwelume is a waterfall located on the Kalungwishi River, it is about 6 km down stream of Lumangwe Falls. It is composed of three powerful cascades, each spilling into the next. The first and main cascade is 25m high followed by two smaller cascades. These waterfalls are a package of three different curtains of falling water.”

We had to walk about .5 km to the site of the falls through lush tropical vegetation. The whole site is engulfed in mist from the cascading water and we came back dripping wet. We got back into trucks and moved on to the Lumangwe falls which has several falls cascading over a high escarpment. This one had three spots to view the falls, one a look off point with a panoramic view, the next one was a steep climb down on mossy stone steps.  This one was at base of the falls and gave a great view of the swirling and churning water as it tumbled off the escarpment.

 “Lumangwe Falls on the Kalungwishi River in northern Zambia is the largest waterfall wholly within the country, with a height of 30-40 m and a width of 100-160 m. It is a block-type waterfall located between the Luapula and Northern Provinces

At the last spot at the top of the falls we had a picnic BBQ prepared by our good friends the Sisters of the Child Jesus, delicious as usual. 

On the return home we took the same red dirt road which had many detours and deep, deep ruts but the two trucks scaled every deep rut and powered through each slippery area. We took a detour to see the tea farms about 20 km from Kawambwa. There are acres and acres of tea bushes. Sr Marjory showed that it is just the small tender leaves that are picked. This area with wide open fields was a showcase for scores of termite mounds, some perhaps 15 ft high. 

We arrived home after a great day with wonderful people. John Gillies travelling in the last vehicle, in the red dust of the first vehicle, was showing orangish hair and an orange complexion from the following the lead vehicle…. similar to a politician in the news lately.    

Typical home on our route

Geoffrey, Winnie, Sr Marjory, Charlotte, Betty Jane,
Br Peter. Front: John G, Newman, Sr Charity, John MI, Colleen. 

Betty Jane had no shortage of companions
 at the slippery areas.

Kebwelume Falls
Kebwelume Falls

Kebwelume Falls
John and John at Kebwelume
The road situation

The view from our trucks

Betty Jane and Newman, and Charlotte

Lumangwe Falls 
Lumangwe Falls with John G and James
A very wet Colleen and James.
Colleen, John MI, Geoffrey and John G

Winnie, Sr Marjory and Charlotte manning the BBQ

Sr Marjory walking on water with Sr Charity

Sr Marjory, Colleen and Sr Charity

Sr Charity, John G , Sr Marjory

John G, Br Peter and Geoffrey

Road view

Termite mound

Sr Marjory showing how to pick just the tender new tea leaves

Colleen, Sr Marjory and Geoffrey

The Bad boys travelled in the back of the BAD truck.
James, Newman and Joseph 

Rough roads


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