Thursday, February 8, 2024

#17 February 7, 2024 Mporokoso

This morning John, John, Godwin and Paul did an inventory of the lights, plugs and switches in the classrooms. They found there were 114 bulbs, 42 lamp holders and some switches and plugs which needed replacing. ICC will help replace them. 

Winnie needed eggs for her Home Economics class and we lifted some eggs from under the hens. Lovely fresh eggs. 

Charlotte tutored Blessings and she in turn thought that Charlotte should learn some Braille words, so Blessings made Charlotte a Braille alphabet. Agnes the Grade Primary teacher also contributed to Charlotte’s education by showing her how to use the Braille Perkins typing machine. John Gillies tells us the Braille specialist Joseph who has worked for 27 years with Braille, can read Braille visually. Mr. Chisembe, the deputy headmaster, who is totally blind since he contracted measles at a very young age, reads Braille by touch.  

Colleen continued active learning lessons. Since there is a shortage of math manipulatives and other hands-on learning aides, the class worked on using materials available to develop math resources. Bottle caps, reed stalks and ten frames from available materials and card games were used to promote math outcomes. 

Betty Jane worked with Paul who is the music teacher. He is an eager student and is gaining the confidence to teach music to classes. 

In the afternoon ICC members and Sister Agnes and Sr Marjory sorted the items donated by friends of Inverness County Cares. Half goes to St Mary’s School in Kawambwa and half to the St Odilia School in Mporokoso.

Because of the cholera outbreak, school was postponed until February 12th. We are sorry we missed the students here, but we will stop at Kawambwa for a few days on our return from Mporokoso.

Rodgers and Susan learning card games

Esanart with a bird she created

All the fields are cultivated with his tool,
 no motorized cultivators.

This tuber is the main ingredient in African poloney.
It is first pounded to release the part used

Esnart  who is totally blind walking
 home with her friend Susan.

Winnie's Home Economics class made
biscuits, mashed potatoes and roasted squash.
They were all very popular items.

John, John and Paul doing the electrical inventory.

Worker who is replacing the many
 broken windows. Besides the glass
 replacement the window catches were repaired. 

New tile in the Braille room.

New tiles being installed in computer room.

Laundry room tubs. Only hand washing available.

Neighbourhood children selling mushrooms.

Mr Chisembe is very comfortable negotiating
 the school yard with his white cane.

Inverness County Cares members
sorting the gifts sent from Canada.

1 comment:

Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

Ken Bacon picks the wining ticket Winnie holds Eva MacInnis' winning ticket. Eva is from Port Hood.   Winnie Rankin presenting the quilt...