Tuesday, February 27, 2024

#36 Feb 26, 2024 On the Way to Mansa

This morning the electricity was still off but luckily there was still running water.  There was a crowd for breakfast with the parish priest, brothers and more sisters who were in town for a meeting. Despite the power outage they served a great breakfast. We bid farewell to our wonderful hosts the Sisters of the Child Jesus. They took care of us for almost five weeks and did it with a lot of humour and laughs. They are exceptional people and are doing such an excellent job caring for the blind, students with albinism and the visually impaired. They love each student and it shows in the conduct of the children.

We left for Mansa on the Chalice bus, accompanied by Sister Agnes and Sister Marjory, with Geoffrey driving. As usual he dodged all the potholes, goats, chickens and people and brought us to Bishop Patrick Chisanga’s residence at noon. We met with him and he again expressed his heart felt gratitude for the positive changes made at Kawambwa and Mporokoso. Their appreciation of Inverness County Cares’s work is a great incentive for us to continue to support their cause. 

We had takeout lunch from “The Hungry Lion”, which is almost the same as Kentucky Fried Chicken in Canada. We drove to Samfya Beach on Lake Bangweulu and spent time there and  took a drive to see more of the beach along the lake. Our accommodations are on Lake Bangweulu where we had a nice supper. 

At Lake Bangweulu - Winnnie, Sr Agnes, John G.
Charlotte, Betty Jane, Geoffrey, 
John MI, Sr Marjory, Colleen

It s amazing the loads these ladies
can carry on their heads.

Goats seem to like resting on the pavement.

Geoffrey, John G, Betty Jane, Bishop Patrick, Charlotte,
Sr Marjory, Winnie, Sr Agnes, Colleen, John MacInnis 

Hungry Lion Chicken

Most of the houses have thatched roofs

Sr Agnes and Betty Jane.

Fishing on the lake

 Lake Bangweulu
Supper by the lake

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