Thursday, February 15, 2024

# 25 February 15, 2024. School Days

Around 8:00 we all went to our work assignments. John and John were checking on what painting needed to be done in the kitchen and the dining hall, and they purchased paint. They worked with the plumber on supplying water to the boys’ and girls’ wash/shower rooms and went to town to source plumbing supplies. They did an inventory on possible upgrades to all classrooms. Winnie was working with the Home Economics teacher and cooking up some wonderful meals. Charlotte spent time in the classroom working with students who needed extra help and also taught in the classroom. Betty Jane spent a lot of time copying the music charts she had made for the Kawambwa music classes, so Mporokoso would also have a copy. She also spent time teaching music. Colleen worked in the Primary class and worked with teachers in the afternoon talking about how to make books that children love to read. 

In the late afternoon we all met with parents who were pleased to meet people who partner with 

Every day we hear the praises of the wall fence. When the school asked for the fence, we had no idea how important it was to their safety and peace of mind. After seeing the fence and realizing what a wonderful safety net it is, we understand why it was top priority with the sisters.  Now intruders cannot wander through the school yard and steal from the students, even mattresses were stolen, before the wall fence was constructed. There is also the containment of students, the sisters now don’t worry about them wandering off the premises or being kidnapped.

Teacher Cynthia has 28 students in her primary
 class and one on her back. That is dedication.

Last night was the night of the flying ants.
When they hit the ground they shed their wings.

Our bottle cap collection is increasing.
So versatile in class.

Having fun with my student.

Hand washing time before lunch.

Guava tree outside window providing a recess snack.

Home made whirligig toy, the children play with at recess. 

The height of invention. This is a
skipping rope made from the rim left on
the bottle after the cap is twisted off.


Charlotte at work

Winnie with the Home Economics teachers.

Betty Jane and music teacher Tricia.

Younger girl's dorm.

Washing up at th outdoor tap.

Parents' circle meeting.

Parents of sponsored children.

Soccer/football is very popular

Kids in the goalposts!

John, John, St Auxilia and Betty Jane.

French fries cooked on the brazier by
Sr Ruth and Sr Matilda.

Martin and Talent, two boys with albinism
testing out their new hats they received from
Tom Graham and Dave macMillan.

Betty Janes' class

BJ's music charts

BJ's music charts.

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