Monday, February 5, 2024

# 15. February 5, 2024. Second Orphanage Visit

ICC tiled the Braille transcription room and realized that the computer room also needed tiles. This room housing computers, needs a clean place for the tech equipment, without the dust created by a cement floor. Yesterday, ICC made the decision to purchase 50 boxes of tiles for this room as well. John2 (John squared) as the sisters call our two Johns, went in town to buy more floor tiles to complete the flooring in the computer room.

This morning we all resumed our tasks from last week. Colleen continued working with teachers on promoting integration of active hands-on learning into the curriculum. Charlotte continued literacy tutoring and Winnie spent time in the Home Economics lab with Ivy, Simon and Joyce, her student teachers. Betty Jane continued on with her music lessons.

Before lunch we boarded the bus for a second visit to the Good Shepherd Orphanage a short ride away. We were welcomed with open arms by the children and caregivers. The 48 children ranging in age between 2 and 18 call this place home. When they go to post-secondary studies they come ‘home’ to the orphanage on holidays. 

They are one big happy family. It is so wonderful to see the love they have for each other. The older children are always attending to the younger ones without prompting. The sisters who administer the orphanage are a loving presence, they make the orphanage a home. We joined them for lunch and were amazed how much the sturdy babies could eat. The little ones sat on the floor and the older children gave them their plates. A house mother sat with the tiny ones to assist but they were quite capable to stay sitting and eat. In Zambia, forks and knives are optional, as most people eat with their hands. There was no question of liking or not likening a meal, they just ate.  The house has a routine and everyone knows what to do. 

After lunch the students did some dances for us and played some games that they all loved to play. ICC members joined in and taught the children two new Canadian games. There was a sound system set up, so we connected our music to their speakers. Buddy MacMaster was at his best, playing fiddle tunes while ICC members danced up a storm with students joining in. We aren’t Mary Janet MacDonald… but who can tell in Zambia.

The children took a fancy to our wide brimmed hats and a fashion show was soon in progress. What lovely children.

Meeting with Bishop Patrick

How cute is that?

Too cute!!

Beautiful child

Dancing for us

More dancers

Playing a vey neat game.

Always a huge wash

Outside sitting area

The little ones were robust eaters

They all had healthy appetites

The babies having their lunch sitting on the floor.

Security team

Game- Monkey in the Middle

On the slide

Beginning of the hat fashion show.
They all wear it well Irene MacLenan.

The babies playing in the water

The orphanage

Playing in the soap while doing a wash is fun

Wash day disguise

Busy doing a wash

Ducks, Guinea Fowl and chickens.


  1. Your story’s are great I read them eveday

  2. You certainly have full and meaningful days. It is so uplifting to read your words and see your pictures. Tom & Deb Graham Judique


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