Saturday, February 17, 2024

# 27. February 17, 2024. Chishimba Falls

Today we had a sightseeing day. Louis our driver took a bus load of sisters, staff and Inverness County Cares members on a trip to Chishimba Falls. The trip was about 2 hours and, on the way, we stopped for supplies for a picnic lunch.  We bought potatoes from a roadside stand and stopped for roadside snacks of roasted groundnuts and roasted casava root. Last stop was for a large bag of charcoal with an extended top made by woven fibers from bark. The bag/basket of charcoal was maneuvered onto the bus with care and making sure our sisters habits stayed white (not charcoal).

Chishimba is a spectacular set of falls close to Kasama. It has three components – the main falls, Kaela Rapids and Mutumuna Falls (the upper falls). The main falls drops about 30m while the Mutumuna Falls drops from a height of 20m. We took paths which led us to all the places to get a good view of the falls. Betty Jane didn’t miss a thing and took in the views of all the falls. 

As we were sightseeing Cynthia, Rebecca and Charity were preparing an awesome meal on a large BBQ drum supplied on site. We had coleslaw, fried potatoes, BBQ chicken and sausages, meat pies, home made Zambian crackers (Yum) and homemade Zambian doughnuts (Yum Yum). A feast for royalty. All Zambians were sporting some very Canadian bill caps. 

Sister Agnes from Kawambwa met us at the falls and will return with us to ST Odilia in Mporokoso, as well as Sister Barbara who was returning back home to the St Odilia convent. On the trip home we met many people walking on the road, some going to markets and others walking to other destinations. We saw pigs, chickens and many goats scurry out of the way just in time before we drove by. No casualties. 

On the way

More on the way.

John MI, Charity, Cynthia and Sister
Fruit from the Bamboo Palm

Walking to the falls between bamboo palms

Spectacular falls

Sister Ruth, Unbonga, Charlotte, Sr Auxillia,
John MacInnis, Betty Jane, Colleen

Date palms in the distance.

Majestic falls

Sr Ruth and John MacInnis by the falls

Unpacking the bus

Roadside sellers of charcoal

Finding a place the bag of charcoal would futon bus.

A charming home the way

Sr Auxilia advertising the Musical Coast.

Bargaining for potatoes

We will take many as you can pile in this dish. 

Roasted cassava roadside sellers

Roasted cassava

Tiny dried and salted fish for sale at market.

Roadside market wares.

Louis our driver sporting a Tim's hat. 

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