Friday, February 16, 2024

# 26 February 16, 2024. Sun Education with hats, shirts and caps.

 We all joined the sisters for breakfast of great porridge, fried eggs and good company. Everyone set off for work. Winnie, Charlotte and Betty Jane went to their classrooms to assist and provide teacher training.  John and John went to the market and bought all the plumbing supplies needed to supply water to each of the sinks, showers and toilets in the two boys’ and two girls’ dormitories and washrooms. By the afternoon one of the boys’ dormitories had running water in the showers, taps and toilets. This work will continue until all rooms have the water they need. Inverness County Cares has supplied the funds to do this work, (thank you to our supporters). This work was done by a contractor George and his two assistants, Evans and John. John and John completed a detailed inventory of all the maintenance needed in all the buildings. 

In the afternoon we met with the albino, visually impaired and blind students to reinforce the precautions which should be taken to protect them from the sun’s damaging rays. Betty Jane gave a very informative talk. The students were gifted T-shirts, sun glasses and hats. They left the meeting so pleased with their new cool accessories.  Thank you everyone for the items you donated. You have given much joy to these children. A little kindness goes a long way. 

Thank you

Children with albinism, reduced vision and blindness
are excited to get new hats, shirts and glasses.

Banana garden in the school yard

John, John, Goodson and Sr Auxilia discussing
 infrastructure matters.
Charlotte and Sharon.

Betty Jane fluting.

Winnie preparing greens.

Two students and mom.

Skipping rope made from water and juice bottle rings, with Chilufya

Colleen's BFF Chilufya

Bottle caps can be used so many ways.
They are the backbone of our classroom aids.

Chilufya learning the colours
Lovely St Odilia ladies.

John MacInnis, Gilbert (Chalice rep), Sr Auxilia headmistress.

Betty gone giving her sun awareness talk to 
reinforce the importance of sun protection.

Excited children., blind and albino

Posing with their new hats, glasses and shirts.

Cool kids

Love those hats.

Great style!

Choosing glasses with John and Betty Jane.

BJ with the youngest 

John and BJ helping to choose glasses.

Winnie and Charlotte helping choose shirts
Sr Ruth making crackers

Sr Ruth with the deep fried crackers. Delicious!

Sr Matilda's meat pies, Yum!!

Doughnuts rising

Sr Ruth frying the doughnuts. So very good.

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