Wednesday, February 21, 2024

#31 February 21, 2024 . Back in Kawambwa.

Today was our first day back in Kawambwa. On the way to work we were all asked to meet at the recreation hall. We were met and escorted in by children carrying flowers and led to our seats on stage by them. The whole school proceeded to present a programme of thanks for the improvements brought about by Inverness County Cares and our generous donors. They are truly grateful for running water in rooms which were dry before, broken window panes repaired, newly painted rooms, new tiles, repaired lights in dark rooms, musical instruments, repaired stoves, teacher guidance and many more small incidentals. The students sang so wonderfully and gave speeches of thanks. We were overwhelmed by their expressions of gratitude. 

We then went to our tasks, John and John went to check on the work in progress they left behind, when they went to Mporokoso. Much was completed but more needs detected. A large truck had snapped the electric wire which served the pump which supplies water to several buildings. That meant a trip into town to get 35 meters of wire. The fellows are getting better at bargaining and came back with a price for wire that pleased them. Winnie and Betty Jane were in their classrooms again. Winnie making several potato dishes and Betty Jane working on training the teacher and key students to continue the music lessons when she returns home. Charlotte was in Grade 7 this morning teaching grammar and Colleen was in with the four- and five-year-olds, who were beginning to learn how to read and write Braille. 

Today was the hottest day yet and still 22C and humid at 10:00 PM. We were sweltering and wishing for a little cool weather.


Great job singing

Our first group of performers

Dear Children
John G, Colleen, Charlotte, John MI, Betty Jane and Winnie.
Kneeling- Sr Marjory.

The other half of the children

Belinda teaching Gracious how to use
the Braille slate and Stylus.

Belinda working with Jacob.

Mr Evans using a math 10 frame, handmade in the
carpentry shop, as an assist teaching Braille. He
covered the bottom four and used the 6 holes.

John and John in the laundry room

Gracious was one of the performers this morning. 

Talking about the colours with Kelvin and Blessing.

Winnie explaining procedures to her class.

Betty Jane making music

Charlotte with Alice

John and John looking for a bargain on electric cable.

Checking out the produce at the market with Geoffrey.

John's sister Claire sponsored Roydah. 

1 comment:

  1. Your magic continues! Enjoy that heat- theres none of it in Inverness County:) Keep up the good work and hoping that Winnie is bale to make some kind of a birthday for Colleen today:)


Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

Ken Bacon picks the wining ticket Winnie holds Eva MacInnis' winning ticket. Eva is from Port Hood.   Winnie Rankin presenting the quilt...