Sunday, February 25, 2024

#35 February 25, 2024 Last day

Mass this morning was lovely with the harmonies of the students’ choir. We visited the dining hall and were amazed by the amount the students can eat. Plates piled high with nshima (a thick maize porridge which resembles cream of wheat), vegetables and chicken. This dining hall was refurbished by ICC a few years ago. 

In the afternoon, there was loud thunder and strong winds which knocked over a tall tree on the power lines to St Mary’s. We went to visit Sr Maria and Sr Charity at the Good Shepherd Orphanage. They provide a loving environment for the children living there. 

Tomorrow, we drive to Mansa where we will meet with Bishop Patrick Chisanga and the following day we fly to Lusaka. 

At our last Inverness County Cares (ICC) meeting, before our departure, a motion was passed giving our group in Zambia, permission to use our discretion in the use of available funds where they are most needed. Since we arrived on the ground at both schools, we are able to see the urgent needs more clearly. 

What was most evident to us on our arrival and pointed out by school administrators, was the need to replace 140 cracked or broken window panes and an electrical system which needed an update. In particular the replacement of sockets and light bulbs at St Mary’s was a priority. In addition, the water system at both schools was in dire need of a major overall. We found broken toilets and sinks; and showers without running water.  

When the water was connected to the boy’s dorm at St Mary’s, it became evident that the sewer line was plugged and had cracked and broken pipes located behind the boys’ dorms and was pluged all the way to disposal field. Today we bought ninety meters of four-inch sewer pipes, which will run to the disposal field, with work beginning tomorrow.  This will be dug buy hand, down two feet and should eliminate the problem. It will take about 3-4 days to complete. 

We have been able to improve these situations with the assistance of capable local trades people, but more financial help is needed to complete this situation. One of the major needs at Kawambwa is a bore hole well, which would provide an ample supply of water, which in turn would increase the water pressure to all buildings.

The Sisters home and convent at St Odilia, in Mporokoso does not have running water. They use rain barrels to supply their needs and boil it for human consumption.

The refundable bottle and can collection sites in Mabou and Port Hood contribute a significant amount to our revenue. The proceeds for eleven months of bottles and cans go toward the needs at the Zambian schools. The month of November proceeds go to our local food banks.

As for our own personal expenses for this trip, ICC members don't accept any donations to cover our personal costs, but we do gladly always accept any personal or corporate donations to Inverness County Cares. These donations, because of CRA regulations, are passed on to Chalice. Chalice issues tax receipts and sends it on to the Kawambwa and Mporokoso sites after an application process and follows up with yearly audits. 

Beginning of mass

Children's mass


Betty Jane styling with her new gift dress. 

Lovely ladies

More lovely ladies and Paul with a great shirt

Geoffrey is the man who helps us go places and
provides very useful information on local goods.

John MI, JOhn G and Emanuel our great Plumber.

Lunch in the boys' dining hall.

Lunch in the girls' dining hall.

She is hungry from all her dancing yesterday.

Hungry young man

Kitchen Staff

That is a good portion of nshima.

Tree across the power lines.

John MI, Sr Maria and Betty Jane with the children at orphanage.

At orphanage

Saying good bye

Last supper with the 12.

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