Sunday, February 18, 2024

# 28 February 18, 2024. Trip to villages

Sunday morning began with mass in Our Lady of Peace Church. After breakfast ICC members took the opportunity to check out the repairs and renovation made to the school property. In the afternoon we took a trip on the school bus, with the sisters, with Louis at the wheel. We travelled to some of the villages where many of the students come from. What lovely warm people. There were many shouted greetings and stops to talk to people Sr Auxilia knew and some who just wanted to greet us. We were even gifted a bag of maize by a lady on our route. 

Many of the dwellings had thatched roofs and when we asked the little top knots on top if the roof it was explained they make bundles of long straw and tie the ends together tightly so they resemble a broom. The ‘broom’ bottom is then expanded like a skirt and placed on the top pf the roof. The houses had perhaps 6 or 8 of these handles protruding from the roof tops, and looked like chimneys.

After leaving the villages we drove down the highway toward Kasama for about 10 km to see the land bought by the sisters. It is a large plot and part of it is a pine plantation. One the rest of the land they are growing maize, cassava and groundnuts, to provide food for the school. We stopped at the market on the way back and picked up some pineapples, avocados, groundnuts and sweet potatoes (white version).  Every meal at the convent is a feast. 

Some of the boarding students

Plumbers working on hooking water to the dormitories. 

New 3 classroom block

Wash day for these children.

Traditional thatched roof.

You can see the 'handles' of the bundles of grass used to
thatch the roof. They are at the very top of the roof

Happy babies are carried in the sling, just a length
of cloth which also serves as a skirt or apron.

You can see the ends of the bundles of
straw on top of the roof.

We spotted this old International truck,
with the steering wheel on the right.

John buying avocados.

John G buying pineapples.

Just a bit of the market.

Part of the pine plantation purchased by the sisters.

Map of the Mporokoso, St Odilia School.


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