Monday, January 29, 2024

#8. January 29, 2024. Visit with education officials, teachers and parents


January 29, 2024. 

This morning we met with the staff of the schools. An impressive dedicated group. Some of the teachers have sight, some are partially sighted and some have no vision at all. Charlotte and Colleen will be meeting with the educators all week for workshops, Winnie will be working on food preparation education, Betty Jane will begin her music program and John Gillies and John MacInnis will begin their day measuring the dimensions of all the broken windows so they can order new glass panes to replace damaged ones. 

From there we went to town to meet with the provincial minister of Education Ms. Grace and the district education officer Stephen, similar to our superintendent. They were very gracious and praised the work done at the schools run by the Sisters of the Child Jesus.  

Before returning to school, we took turns at the bank machine to withdraw Zambian funds to pay for our transportation, accommodations and meals as well as a bit of spending money. We could withdraw only 2000 Zambian Kwacha each turn at the ATM, which equals $100 Canadian. Afterward we strolled around the main street market place looking for ingredients for Winnie’s cooking demonstration. Recipes must be picked with care as their cooking tools, methods and ingredients are much different than ours.

After lunch we met with the parents group. Their children are sponsored by Chalice and they were meeting to discuss their budgets for the money they receive quarterly for each child. Chalice donors, these ladies were so very grateful for your generosity and they told us this repeatedly.

As we ate supper tonight, our extra baggage and musical instruments arrived from Lusaka with Lacky our driver in Lusaka. We were quite excited as some of our luggage was included and the rest was gifts from Canada for the St Mary’s Special school and the St Odilia School. We spread out all the items and they filled the long table. They were sorted and left to the sisters to divide between the two schools.

Thank you to our generous donors for your generosity

We are so impressed with the hospitality shown by the sisters and the overall people of Zambia. We feel safe and enjoy driving with safe and careful drivers. 

Minister's assistant, Stephen the district minister, John Gillies,
Grace,Minister of Education, Betty Jane, Winnie, Charlotte and
John MacInnis, Colleen Macleod, Sister Agnes..

Outside at the District Office.

Parent's group.

Sorting the gifts from Canada


Eating supper with our hosts in Kawambwa and sisters from Lusaka. 

Still sorting. Thank you everyone for your donations.

Street next to market

Busy market street.


  1. I love reading your story

  2. Keep all the information and pictures coming!

    1. Thank you Debbie, glad you enjoy the blog.

    2. Thank you Debbie, we are glad you enjoy our blog.

  3. So glad to hear that things continue to go well for all you folks. Tommy and I have been reading the blog every day. How wonderful that you will be so active, and helping in so many different ways. The faces of the children melt my heart. Bless you as you continue on. . .keeping you in our thoughts and prayers each day. Father MacMillan spoke beautifully of your group in church last Sunday- you are always in our thoughts.

    1. Thank you Debbie. WE appreciate your support. Thank Fr Alan for his kind words.


Alice Freeman Quilt Draw - May 31st, 2024

Ken Bacon picks the wining ticket Winnie holds Eva MacInnis' winning ticket. Eva is from Port Hood.   Winnie Rankin presenting the quilt...