Wednesday, January 31, 2024

# 10 January 31, 2024. Work day

 After breakfast we all went to our work posts. Betty Jane still tuning up the instruments, teaching the teachers and dispensing medical advice. Winnie was with Joyce in the Home Economics room cooking up a tasty pot of casava leaves. These leaves are a staple in the Zambian diet but must be cooked carefully before consumption as they contain small quantities of cyanide. Winnie told us the cooks boil them for 10 hours. The Home Economics room is set up with 10 brazier stands and the students are taught how to light with charcoal and keep the fire going. They place a pot over the coals and cook their meal. John and John are busy replacing broken and cracked windows with their two assistants. They are cemented in with putty that is almost cement. A laborious process. Colleen was busy giving a literature workshop to very eager teachers. The workshop was planned for an hour but students were still in class an hour later. They are keeners. 

We are enjoying the fantastic meals and company of the sisters. They are a lively, happy group running this large complex with confidence and efficiency.   

Music lessons with Betty Jane

Convent security team. Also vocal singers at night. 

Part of a large campus.

Susan, Godfridah, Faustina and Colleen with
Rodgers in the back. 
Joyce the Home Economics teacher and Winnie cooking
 up a batch of casava leaves. They contain cyanide and
 must be cooked for at least 10 hours before eating. 
Joyce and Susan helping load up the charcoal brazier

Betty Jane demonstrating a bandaging technique

John and John with their window repair team. 

A big job replacing all the cracked and broken windows.
They have to remove all the cement hard putty first

Sr Florence is a mango fan.

This fellow must have been 6 inches long.

Our friend Esnart. She does not have any sight
but navigates like a pro
The brazier used to cook our meals.

Sister Florence and friend preparing our evening meal.

Dove cote


Braziers in the Home Economics room.
 Each student learns to light and use it.

Joyce and helper

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