Saturday, February 3, 2024

#13A . . February 3, 2024. Home Visits Team A

About 10:30 this morning the torrential rains came down, just after we all took in our wash.  After another excellent lunch we met with the Chalice representatives and joined them in home visits of Chalice sponsored children. We split into two groups. Our group with Sister Agnes and Alice, walked to homes which were quite close to the St Mary’s School. It had rained very heavy a few hours earlier, most of the water had drained away due to the sandy soil, however there always remains some slippery patches. It was on the way back down the termite mound that one of our ICC members landed sitting in the wet, red sandy soil. No harm done! 

The little village we walked through has red sandy paths which wind through parcels of land where homes are situated. The homes are totally surrounded by well-tended gardens of tall (perhaps 8-10 foot tall) maize, pumpkins/squash and many other staple vegetables. There are always people walking through the paths which intersect the areas of houses and gardens. The houses are far enough apart for privacy and close enough for lots of neighborly interaction. There are huge mango and avocado trees which provide shade and much fruit. No lawns here, just sandy packed soil near the homes and crops growing elsewhere. As we made our way to the homes we encountered goats of all sizes, the adult goats usually tethered to a rope that enable them to graze while the tiny kids roamed near their mother. Every household has free range poultry, in all sizes and colours. It seems every property has a large termite mound. They are impressive and the goats love to perch on them.

 Our first stop was at the home of Gilbert who was sponsored by Chalice. As we sat outside their thatched house on chairs woven from reeds, his mother Petronella expressed her gratitude for the help this sponsorship has made in her family. On our way to our next home a woman stopped us and gave us a bag of fresh mushrooms.

The next stop was to see a sponsored child Patrick who lived with his single mother Yvonne and extended family including his cousins. His mother had taken in his cousins because her sister had died. We went inside their thatched, clay brick home. The home consisted of four living spaces, two bedrooms, a living room and a pantry where cooking utensils are stored. The fire is built outside the home. The dimensions of the home are about 12x12. Again, this mother expressed her gratitude for the huge impact a Chalice sponsorship makes for a family. It helped her pay the rent on the home.

The third family had seven children and also had nieces and nephews included in their family. The sponsored children were George and Stephen and their cousin Grace who has glaucoma and attends St Mary’s Special School. Their home was also a thatched roof with the same layout as the previous home. We were told that after the rainy season when the grass is very tall and dry, they use this to rethatch their roofs. The roofs must be totally replaced every year of two. When we left the home, they presented us with a big basket of very large avocados and a live chicken! They were gifts given in gratitude for the changes Chalice has made in their lives. We carried the chicken home, feeling we should not take her, but were assured you must accept the gift. She joined the other chickens in the convent coop.

One of many termite mounds


Thatched roof inside.

The vegetable called pumpkin would be called squash
 at home. They boil them seeds and all. Quite good.

The home of our third family we visited. 
They gave us the chicken and avocados. 

Beautiful children
Betty Janes Choir group

Our gift chicken

Another termite mound

Walking our chicken back home,. John Gillies,
 Sr Agnes, John MacInnis and Alice.

Beautiful children

These ladies can balance heavy loads on their head.

The underside of a thatched roof.

Lovely ladies With twins.

A village scene. All so neat and tidy.
They even sweep the yard.

John and Colleen weather on a termite mound.

Drying out very, very small fish.

Soy beans

Another beautiful mother and child

This lady invited us to her yard and
gave us mushrooms

Sitting on lovely woven bamboo basket chairs at Gilbert's house

Gilbert's family

Goats and termite mounds

Majestic mango tree

Second home we visited, Patrick

John coaxing Alice's goat off the termite mound.

Typical home


  1. Mary Janet MacDonaldFebruary 4, 2024 at 11:00 AM

    Thank you for all you are doing there. So nice to read this update. I am on my third Chalice sponsor as the previous 2 got too old. Thanks for sharing your visit with everyone.

    1. So glad you’re able to visit some sponsored children and their families dear ICC friends. We are so proud of our partnership with you all!!
      And thank you Mary Janet for sponsoring 3 children! It truly makes a difference.


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