Wednesday, February 28, 2024

# 38, February 28, 2024. Game Park.

This morning we went on the Chaminuka Lodge Game drive with Sr Catherine and Sister Gloria.

What a day! It exceeded all our expectations. Our first adventure was the boat ride on one of the lakes in the forty square kilometre property which is home to many African animals. We saw some water birds and learned about the lake. 

Next was a game drive through the extensive trails throughout the property. Our first sight was a giraffe standing by the roadside lust looking at us. What majestic animals. We saw lions, a cheetah, elephants, ostriches, many kinds of antelope and gazelles, a monitor lizard, baboons, zebras, and still more. We returned from the drive, for an excellent meal on the deck of the lodge. Next was a bush walk where we encountered some monkeys and got caught in the rain. Our last activity was a wine and cheese tasting, situated in a simulated cave/wine cellar. The room had a beautiful table created from a slab of stone and they told us it was built by a person called Flintstone. Quite appropriate we thought.

This trip was a fitting end to our trip in Zambia. We thank our hostess at every location we visited. African sisters are a whole lot of fun!   

Our team, John MacInnis, Sr Gloria, Lacey, Winnie, Colleen,
John Gillies, Charlotte, Betty Jane, Sr Catherine

Tour boat for the lake

We had to walk the plank to get to the boat

Our Chaninuka wagon

The best welcome to the park


Beautiful beast

A great way to see the animals

One of the many species of gazelles


Ladie's room

Gent's room

Excellent meal and wonderful company.


We were picked up after getting a bit wet.

Jolly sisters Catherine and Gloria.

Wine and cheese tasting on a table built by Mr Flintstone...honest!

Beautiful bird by our vehicle. 

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